Body Wraps
Imagine lying down in a soft bed listening to gentle music in the dim lights of a spa setting. Now see yourself enveloped in a coating of purifying mud or rejuvenating seaweed as you relax under a warm blanket completely at ease.
Originally designed to aid relaxation, full body wraps have become so much more, aiding individuals with a series of issues along with helping clear the body of unnecessary and unwanted toxins. However, the most loved aspect of a full body wrap includes the undeniable softening of the skin following a treatment.

The Benefits of Body Wraps
Body wraps are more than just away to remove stress from the body. They are beneficial in far more areas than ever before. Including detoxification, reducing water weight, temporarily reducing inches from different body parts, treating arthritis and reducing cellulite, it’s anyone’s guess as to how beneficial these wraps truly are.
What to Expect at Your Appointment
You’ll be covered in mud, seaweed, clay or a fruit or herbal coating of your choice. From there, plastic will coat your body to both lock in the product and help warm the body even more as a way to make it more receptive to receiving the benefits of the coating. Once wrapped, you’ll lay down on a luxuriously soft bed, be covered by a thermal blanket and left alone to enjoy low lights and indulgent music for half an hour.
Preparation & Recovery
Following your time with us, remember to drink a lot of water to rehydrate and flush the system of any remaining toxins. Expect smooth, soft and tight skin to grace your body.
How may we REJUVENATE you?
Leonard-Mattison Medi Spa
Water Place | 500 Liberty Street S.E., Suite 400 | Salem, OR 97301
(503) 363-8589 |